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12391 Lewis Street, Suite 102
Garden Grove, CA 92840
(714) 748-1113
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Al-Anon Is for Men
Straightforward information helps men identify typical reactions to alcoholism in another person. Six pages. P-1

Al-Anon, You and the Alcoholic
Q & A basics address the most frequently asked concerns about Al-Anon and how it helps. Eight pages. P-2

Alcoholism, a Merry-Go-Round Named Denial
An Al-Anon classic! Dramatic analogy helps family members and friends see roles they play in the lives of alcoholics. 24 pages. P-3

Alcoholism, the Family Disease
Longtime favorite includes personal stories, questions and answers, "Do's and Don'ts," "Just for Today," "Maturity Checklist," and the "Three Obstacles to Success in Al-Anon." 32 pages. P-4, P-4L Large Print

Freedom from Despair
A message of hope for those faced with alcoholism, a problem they can’t solve alone. Four pages. P-6

A Guide for the Family of the Alcoholic
A clear and realistic look at alcoholism, problems encountered by those close to the alcoholic, and choices available to the family. 12 pages. P-7

How Can I Help My Children?
Inspiring stories from parents describe how they helped their children understand the family disease of alcoholism. 24 pages. P-9

Purpose and Suggestions
Al-Anon's first pamphlet describes our fellowship's purpose and suggestions for applying it to improve our lives. Six pages. P-13

So You Love an Alcoholic
Suggests first steps to take for a changed attitude toward the alcoholic. Unexpected answers to the question, “What shall I do?” Six pages. P-14

Three Views of Al-Anon — Alcoholics Speak to the Family
Includes "An Open Letter from an Alcoholic" and other insightful essays from A.A. members on why they recommend Al-Anon to the families and friends of alcoholics. Eight pages. P-15

To the Mother and Father of an Alcoholic
Sharings from parents of alcoholics and answers to frequently asked questions help relieve the fear, anger, blame, guilt, and confusion of realizing your child is an alcoholic. 16 pages. P-16

The Twelve Steps and Traditions
A pocket-sized starter guide to Al-Anon's Steps and Traditions. Also includes the "Three Obstacles to Success in Al-Anon." 24 pages. P-17

What Do You Do About the Alcoholic’s Drinking?
Depicts common misconceptions of family members and friends of alcoholics in trying to cope and how Al-Anon can help. Eight pages. P-19

Sponsorship, What It’s All About
Basic explanation of sponsorship provides guidance on finding a Sponsor, what to expect, and suggestions for Sponsors. 16 pages. P-31

This Is Al-Anon
Mini meeting guide includes Al-Anon's Suggested Welcome; Preamble; Serenity Prayer; Twelve Steps, Traditions, Concepts of Service; the slogans; and Closing. 12 pages. P-32

Why Anonymity in Al-Anon?
Describes personal anonymity as a spiritual principle and how to respect members' confidentiality in everyday situations. Eight pages. P-33

Why Conference Approved Literature?
About Al-Anon literature, how it is developed from members' shared experiences, and the importance of using it exclusively at Al-Anon/Alateen meetings. Six pages. P-35

Al-Anon Fact File
Factual information for the general public, media, and professional community. Eight pages. P-36

The Al-Anon Focus
Al-Anon members who are recovering alcoholics describe how focusing on the Al-Anon approach has helped them face the effects of someone else's drinking. Six pages. P-45

Al-Anon Sharings from Adult Children
Lingering effects of parental alcoholism are illustrated through personal stories. Includes section on how adult children apply the Twelve Steps. 24 pages. P-47

Understanding Ourselves and Alcoholism
Learn about the disease and how compulsion, addiction, obsession, and denial affect alcoholics and those close to them. Six pages. P-48

Al-Anon Spoken Here
Keeping it Al-Anon to avoid dilution of our program. Questions and answers help us maintain our focus on Al-Anon, regardless of other interests or affiliations. Eight pages. P-53

The Concepts — Al-Anon's Best Kept Secret?
Explains Al-Anon's third Legacy for worldwide service in an easy-to-understand manner. Illustrated. 32 pages. P-57

Al-Anon's Twelve Traditions Illustrated
Al-Anon's second Legacy described with simplicity and humor to help us grasp the principles of the Twelve Traditions. Illustrated. 32 pages. P-60

Does She Drink Too Much?
Men affected by women alcoholics share how Al-Anon has helped them. Six pages. P-62

Brief explanation of personal anonymity, as well as ways it is kept and ways it can be broken. Four pages. P-65

Alateens Share with Adults in Their Lives
What Alateen means to Alateen members. For parents, teachers, friends, and others. Six pages. P-67

What Happens After Treatment?
Ideal handout for professionals and facilities. English/Spanish.

Living in a Shelter?
Ideal handout for professionals and facilities. English/Spanish.

Al-Anon's Co-Founders
About Al-Anon's beginnings, and how Lois W. and Anne B. began our fellowship. Six pages. P-87

Service Sponsorship: Working Smarter, Not Harder
Benefits of not doing it alone by having or being a Service Sponsor are explained. Includes tips for effective service experiences. Eight pages. P-88

Doubting Your Sanity?
Ideal handout for professionals and facilities. English/Spanish.

Al-Anon/Alateen Groups At Work 2018-2021
Indispensable guide for conducting meetings. Includes Meeting Format, Al-Anon's history, how to start meetings, and other topics to help develop and maintain healthy groups. P-24

2022-2025 Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual
Al-Anon's policies, suggestions for groups, our service structure, and the Twelve Concepts of Service are described in detail. A "must-have" handbook for Al-Anon trusted servants. Revised 2020. P-24/27

Living with Sobriety: Another Beginning
For everyone who is trying to accept change, let go of guilt and resentment, deal with disappointments, improve communication, and learn to be happy. Indexed. 48 pages. P-49

When I Got Busy, I Got Better
Participation in Al-Anon builds self-esteem and confidence. Members share service experiences in the Al-Anon program. 64 pages. P-78

Blueprint for Progress: Al-Anon’s Fourth Step Inventory (Revised)
Thought-provoking questions help readers gain positive insight and guidance in taking a searching and fearless moral inventory of themselves. 64 pages. P-91

Reaching for Personal Freedom
A workbook for using Al-Anon's Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Concepts of Service in one's personal life, it provides insightful examples from members and thought-provoking questions. 176 pages. P-92

Paths To Recovery Workbook
This companion piece to Paths to Recovery (B-24) contains the thought-provoking questions on each Step, Tradition, and Concept of Service found in the book, with space to write answers. 112 pages. P-93

Healing Within Our Alcoholic Relationships
This 48-page booklet captures the essence of the Al‑Anon program in a series of brief but powerful messages of timeless wisdom, adapted from Al‑Anon literature on relationships, including The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage (B-4). It is perfect for newcomers or anyone needing to “Keep It Simple” and get back to basics. P-95

The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage
Al-Anon can help with the unique problems of alcoholic relationships. Members share experiences with applying the Twelve Steps to their relationships. Softcover, indexed. 100 pages. B-4

The Al-Anon Family Groups — Classic Edition
With a new introduction, footnotes, and appendix, the original text connects us with Al-Anon’s roots. The hope that this book still offers the world is undeniable. Indexed. 208 pages. B-5

One Day at a Time in Al-Anon
This Al-Anon classic offers inspirational daily readings relating Al-Anon philosophy to everyday situations. Indexed. 376 pages. B-6, B-14 Large Print Edition

Lois Remembers
Lois W., co-founder of Al-Anon, recalls the eventful years before and after the founding of AA and Al-Anon. Illustrated, softcover, Indexed. 204 pages. B-7

Al-Anon’s Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions
The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions come alive through essays, personal reflections and stories from Al-Anon members. Indexed. 142 pages. B-8

In All Our Affairs: Making Crises Work for You
Al-Anon members' personal stories reveal how applying specific Al-Anon principles helped them through life’s difficult situations. Includes stories of dealing with death, divorce, violence, abuse, infidelity, and more. Softcover, indexed. 256 pages. B-15

Courage to Change: One Day at a Time in Al-Anon II
This collection of insightful daily reflections reveals the surprisingly simple things that can transform lives. Indexed. 384 pages. B-16, B-17 Large Print Edition

From Survival to Recovery: Growing up in an Alcoholic Home
The family disease of alcoholism is discussed with courage and rigorous honesty–revealing the pain, recovering the past, and renewing hope for all of us. Indexed. 302 pages. B-21

How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics
Al-Anon's "basic book" reflects the shared wisdom of Al-Anon members today. The most comprehensive book on Al-Anon for personal and meeting study. Indexed. 400 pages. B-22, B-32 Paperback

Paths to Recovery: Al-Anon’s Steps, Traditions, and Concepts
A guide for study of Al-Anon’s three legacies. Chapters on each Step, Tradition, and Concept of Service include insightful text, poignant personal stories, and thought-provoking questions for group or individual study. Indexed. 354 pages. B-24

Hope For Today
This insightful new daily reader is a collection of thoughts and meditations based on the sharings of Al-Anon members who grew up with the family disease of alcoholism. Indexed. 378 pages. B-27, B-28 Large Print Edition

Opening Our Hearts, Transforming Our Losses
Grief and loss affect almost every aspect of living-or having lived-with alcoholism. Members share how they have learned to acknowledge and accept these losses with the help of Al-Anon Family Groups. Indexed, softcover. 201 pages. B-29

Discovering Choices
Recovery in relationships affected by alcoholism is explored in-depth as members share how they have improved a wide variety of relationships by using the program's tools. Indexed, softcover. 335 pages. B-30

Many Voices, One Journey
Al-Anon's story of growth and recovery as experienced by the fellowship and its members over the past 60 years. Sharings from archival papers, official documents, published articles, and personal recollections, interspersed with insightful discussion questions, highlight the changes faced by not only Al-Anon's members, but Al-Anon itself. Indexed, softcover. 426 pages. B-31

Intimacy In Alcoholic Relationships
Members share their challenges with all aspects of intimacy--physical, emotional and spiritual--in all relationships affected by the family illness of alcoholism. Indexed, softcover. 144 pages. B-33

Alateen — Hope for Children of Alcoholics
Basic introductory book for teens affected by someone else's drinking. Easy-to-understand explanation of alcoholism and the Alateen program. Indexed, softcover. 128 pages. B-3

Alateen: A Day at a Time
Inspirational daily readings written by Alateen members. Indexed. 380 pages.

Courage To Be Me — Living with Alcoholism
Filled with shared recovery by Alateen members. Softcover, indexed. 326 pages. B-23

Living Today in Alateen
A powerful, heartfelt daily reader from young people affected by someone else's drinking. We can all grow from the insight, honesty, inspiration, and wisdom shared by Alateen members worldwide. Indexed. 378 pages. B-26

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions for Alateen
Great meeting topic guide on our first two Legacies. Includes questions, discussions, and personal reflections by Alateen members. 60 pages. P-18

Youth and the Alcoholic Parent
Questions and suggestions to help young people improve their own lives. 12 pages. P-21

If Your Parents Drink Too Much
Alateen's cartoon booklet. Three separate stories of teenagers with parents who have drinking problems. 24 pages. P-22

Guide for Sponsors of Alateen Groups
Concise, helpful information for sponsors. Six pages. P-29

Facts about Alateen
Basic information about Alateen, for young people affected by someone else's drinking. Six pages.

Moving On! From Alateen to Al-Anon
Former Alateen members experience the joy of continued recovery in Al-Anon. 12 pages. P-59

Alateen Talks Back on: Acceptance
Sharings from the Alateen Talk newsletter on timely and important topics: acceptance. P-68

Alateen Talks Back on: Serenity
Sharings from the Alateen Talk newsletter on timely and important topics: serenity. P-69

Alateen Talks Back on: Slogans
Sharings from the Alateen Talk newsletter on timely and important topics: slogans. P-70

Alateen Talks Back on: Detachment
Sharings from the Alateen Talk newsletter on timely and important topics: detachment. P-73

Alateen's 4th Step Inventory Workbook
This workbook keeps it simple for members of any age with questions, cartoons, and space to write or draw your feelings. Includes new artwork. 48 pages. P-64

Alateens Share with Adults in Their Lives
What Alateen means to Alateen members. For parents, teachers, friends, and others. Six pages. P-67

Alateen Dos and Don'ts
Helpful suggestions on what to do-and what not to do. Wallet card. M-9

Just for Today (Alateen)
Offers Alateen ideas for making each day special and reminders for focusing on the present. M-11 Wallet Card, M-13 Book Mark

Alateen Program Card
Wallet card with Alateen Preamble, Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Serenity Prayer. M-18

Daily Checklist for Myself
For Alateen members taking a daily inventory, this handy Step Ten sheet can help. S-6

Has Your Life Been Affected by Someone Else's Drinking?
Alateen Is for You
Twenty questions for young people to decide if Alateen is for them. S-20

Alateen Sponsorship — Is It for You?
Questions help Al-Anon members decide on Alateen sponsorship. S-27

Alateen Discount Package
Buy together and save on an assortment of Alateen pamphlets. Includes: P-18, P-21, P-22, P-31, P-41, P-59, P-67, S-6, M-9, and M-18. K-6

Alateen Discount Package with B-3
Buy together and save on the contents of the K-6 package plus "Alateen — Hope for Children of Alcoholics" (B-3.) K-7

Alateen Newcomer Packet
Welcomes new Alateen members with helpful leaflets assembled in a sleeve. Includes P-21, P-22, P-41, P-67, S-4, S-20, M-9, M-13, M-18, and a sample issue of Alateen Talk. K-18