Getting Listed on the Al-Anon Information Service (AIS) Meeting Directory
Only meetings registered in the Southern California World Service Area by the Al-Anon World Service Office will be listed on the online directory of Orange County and Greater Long Beach Area AIS Meeting Directory.
Groups are registered by the World Service Office with the understanding that groups will abide by Al-Anon Traditions. See the current “Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual,” for information on meetings not eligible for registration, including those with outside affiliations, joint meetings of Al-Anon and AA members, AA-members-only meetings, and meetings that use outside therapies, such as guided meditation.
The Orange County and Greater Long Beach AIS staff will assist a new group in registering, or members can submit a new group registration form themselves on the Southern California World Service Area Website,
Once a new group registration is approved by the WSO and a WSO Group ID number has been obtained, meetings will be listed on the OC and Greater LB AIS meeting directory.