Calendar of Events

Al-Anon Family Groups hold many events throughout the year. Find out about these events:

  • Subscribe to the Orange Blossom to get all the news each month.
  • Attend a group meeting and pick up a flyer or hear about the events from the Intergroup Representative.
  • Post an event your group is sponsoring by contacting the editor by email.
  • Specific questions about each event should be directed to the event’s coordinator/contact person

December Events

6:30 - 8:30 PM


January Events

6:00 - 8:30 PM


Round Robin

New Year, New Hope in Family Recovery

6:00 Potluck, Bake Sale & Raffle
7:00 Al-Anon, Alateen & AA Speakers Meeting

Ministry Center Building, Rm 200 B&C

Mariners Church 5001 Newport Coast Drive, Irvine, CA 92603

April Events

12:00 - 11:59 PM


2025 Southern California AFG Convention

Hope, Healing and Happiness

Save the Date!

For more information or to register, visit the convention website:

Double Tree Hotel 222 N Vineyard Ave, Ontario, CA 91764